At Baylor Scott & White Clinic - Marble Falls, we take care of patients of all ages. Conveniently located in Marble Falls, we’re dedicated to helping our local communities live their healthiest lives.
The care team here includes primary care physicians in Marble Falls who work together to create a care plan that puts you at the center of your health.
This experienced team is here for every step of your health journey. Our goal is simple: to help you get Better and stay that way.
Baylor Scott & White Clinic – Marble Falls has received Pathway to Excellence® designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The Pathway designation is a global credential that highlights commitment to creating a healthy work environment where nurses feel empowered and valued. Nurses at these facilities are an integral part of the healthcare team, with a voice in policy and practice. Pathway nurses are engaged, resulting in higher job satisfaction, reduced turnover, improved safety, and better patient outcomes.
For unplanned injury or illness outside of regular clinic hours or on weekends, please visit Baylor Scott & White Specialty Clinic – Marble Falls. Read more about urgent care services throughout the Greater Austin Region.
Note: Baylor Scott & White Clinic – Marble Falls provides services as an outpatient department of Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Marble Falls.
More about us
Same-day appointments
If you call before 12:00 PM, you can get an appointment on the same day with one of our team of primary or specialty care providers, including physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. To schedule a same-day appointment please call the clinic.
Select services are not included: child development, genetics, mental health, procedures and pre- and post-operation appointments.
Virtual care visit
We're making it easy for you to get the care you need when you need it.
Receive quality and convenient care with a Baylor Scott & White doctor using MyBSWHealth on a smartphone, computer or tablet.
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Insurances accepted
Baylor Scott & White has established agreements with several types of insurance to ensure your health needs are covered.
Aetna - (7)Health Network OnlyQPOSSelectOpen Choice PPOOpen Access SelectOpen Access Managed ChoiceOpen Access Elect Choice
American Health Advantage of Texas - (1)American Health Advantage of Texas HMO I-SNP
Baylor Scott & White Health Plan - (2)2023 BSW Employee Network (SEQA & EQA)RightCare STAR Medicaid Network
Blue Cross Blue Shield - (13)TRS-ActiveCare 2Federal Standard OptionBlue Essentials AccessBlue Advantage - BronzeFederal Basic OptionConsumer Directed HealthSelectBlue Premier AccessBlue PremierBlue EssentialsTRS-Care StandardBlue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO)Blue Cross Medicare Advantage Dual Care Plus (HMO SNP)Blue Choice
Cigna - (3)Point of Service Open AccessChoice FundOpen Access Plus In-Network
Humana - (4)HumanaChoice (PPO)Humana Gold Plus SNP-DE (HMO D-SNP)HumanaChoice (Regional PPO)ChoiceCare
Independent Medical Systems - (1)IMS Network
Nebraska Furniture Mart - (1)Onyx
Superior Health Plan - (2)CHIP PerinateWellcare
Superior HealthPlan - (2)STARSTAR+PLUS
Tricare - (2)SelectExtra
TriWest HealthCare - (2)VA-PCCCCommunity Care Network
United HealthCare - (12)AARP Medicare Advantage SecureHorizons Plan 1 (HMO-POS)AARP Medicare Advantage Patriot (HMO-POS)Nexus ACO - Open AccessUnitedHealthcare Group Medicare Advantage (PPO)AARP Medicare Advantage Walgreens (PPO)UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Choice (Regional PPO)Choice PlusChoiceCharter BalancedAll SaversCore EssentialAARP Medicare Advantage Choice (PPO)
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Medical services
Our pediatricians tailor care, services, and treatments to children of all ages ranging from newborns to teens to meet the healthcare needs of your entire family, including:
- General pediatric care
- Immunizations
- Infant and childhood care classes and support
- School physicals
- Well child exams
Primary care
Our primary care teams offer a full range of medical care for the entire family from baby to golden years. We can help keep you and your loved ones well or help you recover from illness or injury. Services our primary care clinics and physician offices offer include, but are not limited to:
- Chronic disease management and medication management
- Diagnostic testing and lab services
- Immunizations and vaccinations
- Pediatric care
- Physicals, including sports physicals
- Preventative health
- Treatment for illnesses and minor injuries
- Women’s health
Our PCP teams are connected to all the BSWH virtual care options (from e-Visits to video visits) and BSWH specialists so that your complete health history is factored in at every touchpoint.
Read more about primary careWomen's health
Our obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) specialists provide the comprehensive services and screenings you need as a woman at any and all phases of life, including but not limited to:
- Contraceptive counseling
- Family planning
- Fertility counseling
- Genetic screening
- High-risk pregnancy management
- Pre- and post- childbirth care
- Hormone therapy
- Mammogram referrals
- Osteoporosis screening and treatment
- Pelvic floor therapy
- Treatment menstrual and sexual disorders
- Well-woman exams that include Pap smears
In addition to the above, we feature OBGYNs on our medical staff who perform a full range of minimally invasive gynecological procedures such as removing cysts, removing a thin layer of tissue that lines the uterus, and removing ovaries.
Read more about women's health servicesPay bill
Baylor Scott & White Health is pleased to offer you multiple options to pay your bill. View our guide to understand your Baylor Scott & White billing statement.
We offer two online payment options:
- Make a one-time payment without registering by selecting the "Pay a Bill as a Guest" option.
- Enroll or login to your MyBSWHealth account to view account balances and statements, set up a payment plan or enroll in paperless statements.
Other payment options:
Pay by mail
To ensure that your payment is correctly applied to your account, detach the slip from your Baylor Scott & White billing statement and return the slip with your payment. If paying by check or money order, include your account number on the check or money order.
Please mail the payment to the address listed on your statement.
Pay by phone
Call 1.800.994.0371 to make a payment. Payments can be made over the phone with our automated phone payment system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All payments made via the automated phone payment system will post the next business day.
If you need to speak to someone about a Baylor Scott & White bill from our hospitals or clinics, our Customer Service department can take payments over the phone from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Pay in person
Payments can be made in person at the facility where you received services.
Financial assistance
At Baylor Scott & White Health, we want to be a resource for you and your family. Our team of customer service representatives and financial counselors are here to help you find financial solutions that can help cover your cost of care. We encourage you to speak to a team member before, during or after care is received.